Having Faith In An Uncertain World…
How leaps of faith and positivity can do wonders!
Photo by: Victor Dunn
Image Courtesy:www.pexels.com
Religion is a way of life and worshipping a Supreme power and having faith in Him is what we have been taught and most religions of the world are based on this basic tenet that God is All. The concept of God has always fascinated and intrigued me to delve deeper into the human consciousness and the answers have been truly astounding. I have always asked myself this question “who and what is God? “According to me God which also means Giver of Divinity is a concept, an idea and a figment of man’s vast imagination to glorify the creator of this beautiful universe. From this belief that a Supreme Power is in charge of our lives germinates another beautiful concept that we call faith. It is in this faith that lies the very powerful foundations of our existence. Let us explore how this concept of faith helps us in our journey called life.
A very popular saying which goes, Faith, Can Move Mountains and definitely it does. Faith is free of all fears of self-doubt on a power higher than ourselves. It is an unshakeable belief that no matter what happens, what I have set out to achieve will definitely manifest itself in reality with the help of the Supreme power that we call God. Faith requires a temperament and a maturity of its own because a person with a weak faith or no faith at all is likely to be overcome with feelings of negativity and helplessness very soon. It requires a person to be mentally tough because it has stood mankind in good stead through all the adversities of life and history definitely stands as testimony to this. All the wars and battles that man has fought in the history of mankind only show that nothing is insurmountable. Civilizations have been established on the unshakeable faith of man and the word of God.
Footprints on the Sands of Time is a light, profoundly written and spiritually elevating prose by a writer who chooses to remain in anonymity. It is an interesting conversation between God and his ardent devotee which goes like this:
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky, in each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was only one.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints on the sand. Why, when I needed you most have you not been there for me?”
The Lord replied,
“The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child is when I carried you”
On Developing Faith
Faith can be developed by daily prayers and persistent efforts in the direction of our goals. God tests our patience through our daily prayers. If we keep our faith and trust in the knowledge and confidence that a Supreme power who is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent will guide us, protect us and lead us to our goals safely and securely. God makes us go through all our trials and tribulations only to build us, make us stronger and come closer to Him.
In tough times keep the faith going…
Another very popular quote which says, “Keep going when the going gets tough.” This saying is packed with a lot of power because in it lies the essence of being resilient and stoic in the face of any adversity. Make adversity your best ally and not your enemy. If we constantly wallow in self-pity about how adversity affected our lives and left us completely shattered, then the road ahead will never be clear to us. Great men and women have risen from the depths of poverty, adversity and despair and two such great personalities that come to my mind are Nelson Mandela and former US President Abraham Lincoln. Born and raised in poverty the lives of these two great personalities are not only a sterling example to people for generations to come but also their courage, willpower and determination are qualities that we also can emulate. The ability to view a particular situation objectively without allowing us to emotionally overwhelm us calls for great leaps of faith and courage.
Tragedies are a part of life… Learn to accept
Life has its share of problems, tragedies and above all misunderstandings in relationships. If we keep calm and reflect on the life that we have lived so far, we will be surprised at the number of times that the Supreme power has led us, guided us, protected us and loved us through the innumerable challenges and tribulations that we have faced.
The pandemic which is still far from over destroyed nearly half the globe. People lost their jobs, and near and dear ones, businesses shut down and humanity’s faith in the Almighty dithered and faltered. But have we stopped living? No. Nations came closer and the world became one big family. We all came together to help one another during one of the most tragic and heart-wrenching episodes in history. Will it end? We don’t know but we have to go on despite our losses and thank God and be grateful for what we have learned from this harshest lesson in the history of mankind. We have to learn to smile through our tears and this requires a lot of courage and fortitude. Life’s biggest show must go on.
Ending this post on a positive note, Never lose hope and always trust God in a difficult and an uncertain world.