How I Enjoy Writing a Blog Without the Use of ChatGPT

Sunitta Raman
4 min readAug 3, 2024


How blogging in peace is an added health benefit…

Image Photo by: Antoni Shkraba

In an era where AI tools like ChatGPT offer convenience and efficiency, writing a blog the traditional way can seem daunting. However, crafting a blog without AI assistance can be deeply fulfilling and enjoyable. Leaning on a ready-to-use digital tool is a human tendency and natural, but I decided to stay away from it except for my technical writing. Here’s how I embrace and enjoy the process of writing a blog from scratch. In this blog let us delve into the finer nuances of blogging without using Chat GPT and how blogging in peace is an added health advantage. I have also realized that after prolonged use of Chat GPT, my ability to think was stifled. Beyond a certain point, I could not think creatively

Topics That Make Me Passionate

Passion is the cornerstone of enjoyable writing. No particular niche fascinates me as I enjoy blogging about anything in general like books, music, gardening, cuisines, food blah, blah and the list is endless. When you’re genuinely interested in a topic, the process feels less like work and more like a creative exploration. Think about your hobbies, interests, and experiences. What excites you? What do you love discussing with friends? Choose a subject that sparks your enthusiasm, and your passion will shine through your writing.

My Comfortable Writing Environment

My writing environment significantly impacts my creativity and productivity. I find a quiet, comfortable space free from distractions. Whether it’s a cosy corner of my home or sitting on my balcony in my apartment. I have always been supportive of good lighting, a comfortable chair, and perhaps a cup of my favourite beverage can set the mood for an enjoyable writing session.

Creating an Outline

Before I dive into my writing I always create an outline which most writers do. This helps me organise my thoughts and provides a clear roadmap for my blog. An outline typically includes an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. For instance, if my writing is about ‘’Benefits of Urban Gardening,’’ my outline might look like this:

Introduction: Introduce urban gardening and its growing popularity

Health benefits: Physical and mental health advantages.

Environmental impact: Positive effects on the urban ecosystem.

Community building: Strengthening neighborhood ties.

Conclusion: Summarize the benefits and encourage readers to try urban gardening.

An outline keeps me focussed and ensures a logical flow of ideas, making the writing process smoother and more enjoyable.

My Inner Voice Dictates Me

One of the joys of blogging is the freedom to express myself. I write as I speak, and don’t worry about sounding overly formal or adhering strictly to grammatical rules. My unique voice and personality are what make my blogs engaging and relatable. Imagine you’re having a conversation with a friend. This approach not only makes writing more enjoyable but also helps in building a connection with my readers.

Embracing My First Draft

My first draft is half my battle won as I don’t believe in perfectionism which can hinder enjoyment and creativity. Understand that your first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s okay to make mistakes and have sections that need improvement. The key is to get your ideas down on paper. You can always refine and polish your draft later. I have learnt to embrace the imperfections of the first draft as part of my creative process and the messy imperfections spur me on to greater creativity.

On Taking Breaks…

Writing for long stretches can lead to burnout and reduce enjoyment. I take regular breaks to refresh my mind. I step outside, take a walk, stretch, or simply relax for a few minutes. Breaks help me return to my writing with renewed energy and perspective. I also practice the Pomodoro Technique and this has helped me overcome the many issues that I had with writing especially ‘’PROCRASTINATION.’’

How I engage in research

The most interesting and intense part of my writing is the research that I am constantly involved with. I dive into books, articles, and reputable websites to gather information and this helps me to enrich the quality of my content and it also broadens my knowledge and understanding of the subject. Discovering new facts and insights can be exhilarating, fueling my enthusiasm for writing.

Edit and Revise

Editing and revising might seem tedious, but they are crucial steps in the writing process. I view them as opportunities to refine my work and make it the best it can be. I read my draft aloud to catch awkward sentences and grammatical errors. Consider getting feedback from a friend or a writing group. Constructive criticism can help you improve and grow as a writer.

Celebrating My Achievements

Finally, I celebrate my achievements, no matter how small. Completing a blog post is an accomplishment. I take pride in my work and acknowledge the effort I’ve put into it. I share it with my online community and look forward to positive feedback and appreciation from readers. It can be incredibly rewarding and motivating.

I took a break from ChatGPT and discovered its immense benefits which can be a deeply satisfying experience. By embracing the creative process I found that crafting content gives me immeasurable joy. Remember, the journey of writing is as important as the destination. Enjoy each step, and let your passion and personality shine through your words. Happy blogging!



Sunitta Raman

Freelance Writer, Journalist, Editor and Proofreader with more than twenty years experience in creative writing.